Column/Blog Writing

Peace and love: When Peter Jones could not get an interview with former Beatle Ringo Starr, he wrote a column about the experience anyway. His son, David, is at right.

Peter Jones can write personal blogs as well as information-driven blogs for businesses and nonprofit organizations. Peter was the recipient of a First Place award for Best Humor Column at the Colorado Press Association. Click on the images below to read a variety of different kinds of columns and blogs.

Preview blog for Sundance Film Festival

Business blog: Defining Wellness

Business blog: American Business Credit

Travel blog: Most unique restaurants in Denver

My apologies to Judy Collins … and Joni Mitchelland cats

I saw him standing there

Peter’s column, Peters’ column or Peters column?

Comedy is serious business

God bless you, Tiny Tim

You’ve got mail!

I forgot to remember to forget

Better wet than Ted

Getting lost in Philly with Hall & Oates

I don’t bare my breasts for just anyone

Four days in my life at the Democratic National Convention

Baby, if you ever wondered …

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